Open Casting Call: 6-8 Year Girl for Movie ‘Brilliance’

Open Casting Call: 6-8 Year Girl for Movie ‘Brilliance’

UPDATE (May 30, 2014): Will Smith is no longer attached to this movie. The role we are casting for (formerly “daughter of Will Smith character”) remains the same. Legendary Pictures is in the process of recasting Smith.

We are looking for a 6-8 year old girl to play the daughter of Will Smith in the upcoming Legendary Pictures feature film, Brilliance.

When:  SATURDAY 5/31 from 10:00am-2:00pm (come anytime)

Where:  Carrie Ray Casting, 1012 S. Washington Ave., Royal Oak, 48067

What:  We will be auditioning girls who fit the role description below.  You do not need an appointment.

What to bring:  Bring a picture (it does not need to be professional) and bring/be prepared to do the audition scenes (click here for the scenes).

(Note:  we will still see you if you don’t have a picture or the scenes, but it is to your advantage to have both, especially to have prepared the scenes ahead of time)

Questions?  Contact

Role Description:

KATE:  6-8 year old African American girl.  Kate is the daughter of Nick Cooper.  She is a “brilliant” child, meaning she has been born with an extremely high IQ which her father is teaching her to hide from everyone including her mother.  She has an aptitude for mathematics, linguistics, and understanding emotions.  (Must be able to handle a lot of dialogue and convey emotion)


Near the end of the 21st century, “brilliants” are born, making up one percent of the worldwide population.  These “brilliants”—also known as “abnorms” and “twists,” are savant geniuses possessing a wide range of extraordinary skills.

Please DO NOT come to this open call if you don’t fit the role description above.  We will NOT be seeing anyone outside of this role.


  1. I would love to audition for this role.

  2. I am a Michigan Actress that would be interested in signing up, non-exclusive with your agency. I am interested in being in this upcoming film, if they need someone age range (50-60…white women. I will be sending you my resume information and head shots soon.
    I am on IMDb, if you would like to look me up.
    Rose Anne Nepa
    Rose Anne Nepa – IMDb

  3. I Am A Michigan Working Extra I Am Extremly Interested In Being Involved With Your Upcoming Projects ,I Am 49Yr Old With Exp. In The Industry Thank You In Advance For Your Consideration Looking Forward To Meeting You All And Hopefully Being On Your Next Film Project.


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